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Barts Health staff recognised in King’s Birthday Honours

Image of Chloe Orkin and Hannah Crane

Barts Health staff have been recognised in the 2024 King’s Birthday Honours list.

Consultant physician at The Royal London Hospital, Chloe Orkin, has been awarded a Member of the Order of the British Empire (MBE) for services to the NHS and for her championship of equality, diversity and inclusion.

Alongside her role at Barts Health, Chloe is also a professor of infection and inequities at University of London. She is also director of international research collaborative SHARE, which focuses on new therapies for HIV. Her work has led to the licensing and implementation of the first-ever injectable treatment for HIV. The treatment improves the quality of life for people living with HIV – for the first time, people living with HIV could choose to receive treatment through an injection every two months, rather than take daily pills.

Chloe said: “Serving the NHS for the past 26 years has been an enormous privilege, and it means a great deal that my contribution has been deemed valuable. By seeing someone like me receiving an MBE, I hope that others will see that they too can be recognised for their contributions to society. I look forward to serving my patients and colleagues for the rest of my career.”

Alongside Chloe, former Barts Health staff member, Hannah Crane, has been awarded a British Empire Medal (BEM) for services to the NHS and voluntary work.

Hannah worked at Barts Health i n the cardiac physiology team, which is based primarily at St Bartholomew's hospital.

She was nominated for  her work  developing junior staff and clinical research along with her contributions to Barts Health LGBTQ+ equality efforts. This included a virtual pride event for Barts Health staff and being amongst the first staff to volunteer at the NHS Nightingale hospital in London during the Covid-19 pandemic.


  1. Julia Prospere says:

    Well done and congratulations, Prof. Chloe Orkin - its a privilege to know injectable treatment is available for patients with HIV and to focus/ research on new therapies in HIV.

    Added on 17 Jun 2024 at 12:04 PM

  2. Ronald Collins says:

    Well done ladies. Thoroughly deserved award rewarding the hard work done by you and your colleagues.

    Added on 21 Jun 2024 at 11:31 AM

  3. Patricia Effiong says:

    Congratulations to everyone that received the award.

    Added on 25 Jun 2024 at 03:48 PM

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